The Klabin Company Broker Spotlight – Max Farkas

As a member of The Klabin Company team since 2017, Max Farkas is one of the newer faces at the firm. He joined the company not long after graduating from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) where he earned a Bachelor of Arts in Geography. While his core studies focused on topics such as climate change and natural ecosystems, he always had an interest in real estate.

“Growing up in the South Bay, and being in L.A. in general, real estate has always been such a hot sector,” said Max. “I was attracted to the financial side of the business and intrigued by the driving factors behind the value of real estate, so I developed a passion at a young age.”

To fuel this passion while at UCLA, he took a real estate finance class at the renowned Anderson School of Management during which he gained a keen understanding of the various sectors that comprise residential and commercial real estate. He decided then that pursuing a career in the industry was the path he would take.

After being exposed to several residential and commercial estate firms, Max was introduced to Todd Taugner, one of the partners at The Klabin Company. At Todd’s suggestion, Max had breakfast with Zach Middleton, another young broker who had joined the Klabin team the year prior. A connection was made, and Max was soon hired. Today, Zach and Max form a team that focuses primarily on representing businesses and building owners in leases, subleases and industrial real estate sales transactions.

A football and lacrosse player in high school, Max is competitive by nature and equates working at The Klabin Company to being on a sports team where success comes from working together.

“Having a partner in Zach is like having a second backbone,” said Max. “We both understand that nothing is guaranteed and that being successful comes from hard work. You must put in more effort than your competition, just like on the field. Unlike many of the commercial real estate brokerages, collaboration and support from the senior partners is a huge part of the culture at The Klabin Company. We have the freedom to generate our own business, but we also have great confidence in knowing that we have the most experienced brokers behind us should we need that extra guidance to secure a client or close a transaction.”

Although his days of catching passes and scoring goals are behind him, Max remains committed to fitness and a healthy lifestyle. He exercises daily, something he maintains gives him a competitive edge and keeps him on his toes.

It must be working. Max and Zach recently completed their largest transaction to date, representing a global logistics company in a long-term lease for 122,000 square feet of industrial space valued at almost $8 million.

The future is bright for Max. Learn more about him or contact him directly to see how he can work hard for you at
